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Depicting one man?s transformation and descent into brutality, H.G. Wells?s ?The Invisible Man? is a riveting exploration of science?s power to corrupt. In this tale of psychological terror, a young scientist must live in the personal hell created by his own experiments. Using himself as the...

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Rebels on the red planet! An Earthman Harry Thorn exchanges personalities with an ancient Martian and pursues a vicious criminal (another Earthman who had been sent earlier) who seeks to destroy Martian civilization. There?s also a race of yellow aliens apart from the hot-looking humanoids, and...

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Atlantis ist ein Science-Fiction-Roman (oder auch utopisch-technischer Roman) des Autors Hans Dominik. „Atlantis” wurde erstmals 1925 veröffentlicht. Man schreibt das Jahr 2000. die politische Lage ist gespannt: Das vereinigte Europa steht amerikanischen und afrikanischen Machtblöcken gegenüber,...

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If you’re going to launch a series dedicated to the very best science fiction and fantasy writers of the century, it makes sense to start with Stanley G. Weinbaum. „The Planetary Series” includes ten stories set on worlds of Earth’s solar system following several centuries of human exploration and...

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When Sir Edward Leithen leaves London to spend Whitsuntide as a guest at Flambard, he has no idea of the extraordinary sequence of events about to unfold. Among the collection of fellow guests, some of whom he knows and some he doesn?t, is the extraordinary mind of Professor Moe, a scientist who...

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?Romanowa? to na wskroś autentyczna powieść poruszająca problem alkoholizmu oraz współalkoholizmu. Pokazuje ona bezradność wobec nałogu oraz szkody, jakie wyrządza wszystkim żyjącym w otoczeniu alkoholika.

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Meet the another sci-fi story from the master of adventure and science-fiction novelist of the pulp era Otis Adelbert Kline, best known for his interplanetary adventure novels set on Venus and Mars, which instantly became science-fiction classics. Smaller than a microbe, the Stranger was but how he...

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A terrible story that can cause goose bumps after reading. The story of The Doom of London describes the disasters that befell Victorian London. One of the largest cities is shocked by life threatening circumstances. Here there are underground explosions, poisoning, aplague of diphtheria. London is...

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?The Bulpington of Blup?, a 1932 novel by H. G. Wells, is a character study analyzing the psychological sources of resistance to Wellsian ideology, and was influenced by Wells?s acquaintance with Carl Gustav Jung and his ideas. Theodore Bulpington is a very ordinary man ? with a very vivid...

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Elias Montgomery. Kaum ein Bewohner der zivilisierten Welt, der ihn nicht kannte. Schon bei seinen Lebzeiten ein Sagenkreis um ihn. Elias Montgomery, der große Erfinder, dem es gelungen, das Problem der Atomenergie zu lösen. Die Atomenergie, jene riesenhafte, über alle Vorstellungen gewaltige...

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When Vernia, empress of Reabon, mightiest land of all Venus, was kidnapped by the strange marauders of the sea and was taken to their hidden port, it presented the Earthman, Robert Grandon, with his greatest challenge. Grandon goes on a quest to save her, a quest that will put him on challenges,...

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Stanley Grauman Weinbaum (also wrote as John Jessel and Marge Stanley) (1902-1935) was an American science fiction author. His career in science fiction was short but influential. His first story, ?A Martian Odyssey?, was published to great acclaim in July 1934. Most of the stories fall into two...

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There is a long tradition among the romances of the 19th and early 20th century of the ?lost race? novel concerning explorers who stumble onto a culture exists hidden from the outside world. ?A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of the Caribbean? is a novel among the most famous ?lost race? novels...

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Der Roman ?Sternentau? thematisiert den Besuch von Aliens auf der Erde. Auf einem Spaziergang entdeckt die junge Harda eine unbekannte Pflanze, die nicht von der Erde stammt. Sie reproduziert Elfen, deren Fähigkeiten bis zum Gedankenlesen reichen. Aber sind diese Elfen gut oder böse? Ein im...

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Led to believe that his natural mother is a chimpanzee Chicma, a young boy knows only the savage ways of the great apes. Kept in a cage, he is systematically trained to become a savage killer by the fiendish Dr. Bracken. But the young boy, Jan, is clever enough to escape from the lab and make it...

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Kurd Laßwitz (20.4.1848 ? 17.10.1910) gilt als Begründer der deutschen Science Fiction Literatur. Homchen ist ein früher Vorfahr des Menschen, der im ausgehenden Zeitalter der Dinosaurier lebt. Der kleine Held geht auf die Suche nach der geheimnisvollen roten Schlange. Während seiner...

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Dated 1928. ?By Airship to Ophir?, written by Fenton Ash, tells the story of an airship and two aircraft meander round central Africa picking up an assortment of natives in a search for the fabled land of Ophir, which is eventually reached and found to be inhabited by a race of people of...

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The songbook contains favourite Christmas carols and hymns with melody, words and chords. The generous selection of songs from old carols to new tunes makes this the perfect book for you this Christmas. The accessible arrangements of lyrics, melody, and chords in this sheet music mean that you...

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A soul-corrupting evil invades the remote English village of Cainsmarsh, infesting the minds of the local residents. Dark events are plaguing its people. An elderly woman stiffens in dread at her own shadow; a terrified farmer murders a scarecrow; food prepared by others is eyed with suspicion;...

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A fictional biography of Rudolf ?Rud? Whitlow, who builds a political party that slowly becomes a world dominant dictatorship. Wells wrote the work just before World War II as Hitler was consolidating his power in Germany. Rud, is a baby boy, and later, grew to be a young man who had a remarkable...

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Early science fiction, a cult classic, an enjoyable adventure. The story opens when our hero and his friends go to South America to look for radium, which has anti-gravity properties, and battle with a race of cruel Inca-type people who use the radium to fly, and disguise themselves as giant birds...

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The Mummy and Miss Nitocris is a science fiction novel. A story about crazy heroes and their wild travels. This is a completely different adventure, unlike the usual. The end will not be predictable for anyone!

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When in 1925 his first novel ?The Son of His Father? was published at the Chicago publishing house, then its circulation took twenty-seven freight cars. The ?Son of His Father? was made near the Oracle, and his first show was in Tucson. A great adventure in the desert and mountain world of Arizona...

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Powieść o tematyce podróżniczo-przygodowej i fantastycznonaukowej. Rozwój żeglugi parowej i kolei żelaznych pozwolił bohaterom powieści Juliusza Verne’a objechać świat wokoło w ciągu 80 dni. Rozwój lotnictwa i radiotelegrafii pozwoliły stworzyć zuchwały plan podróży dokoła świata w ciągu dni......

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This is a story about the coming terror. George Griffiths tells the story of the Great War that never happened. Airship squadrons and steam fleets clash over the world?s great kingdoms, leaving panic and devastation in their wake. Can the good side win this time? What happens to the planet? Many...

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This story was the first work of fiction in which an explorer traverses time through the use of a man-made device ? a time machine ? rather than through magic, divine intervention, or a natural phenomenon such as sleep. HG Wells?s ?The Chronic Argonauts?, written seven years before his much more...

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Weird mystery with rationalized supernaturalism featuring private detective Matthew Grimlock. „A Studio Mystery” is a secret, and there is not much of a secret about the murder of the artist Arnold. The suspicions of the reader fall at once on Gustave. There is a certain ingenuity, however, in the...

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Leon Płoszowski pochodzi z bogatej szlacheckiej rodziny. Jest to człowiek inteligentny, utalentowany i wszechstronnie wykształcony. Nie może jednak znaleźć miejsca w życiu. Upływa mu ono bezproduktywnie na rozrywkach, bywaniu w towarzystwie i podróżach po Europie. W swoim dzienniku nieustannie...

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