Bert Smallways is the unlikely protagonist, a kind of Edwardian Mod, not interested in a steady career, always looking for a good time, riding his proto-scooter down to Brighton at the weekends. When Bert is accidentally scooped up by a German fleet, on its way to launch a surprise attack on the... |
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21.17zł |
? Demon ruchu ? to zbiór najlepszych trzynastu ?kolejowych? nowel i opowiadań Stefana Grabińskiego, mistrza grozy, nazywanego polskim Edgarem Allanem Poe i H.P. Lovecraftem. Autor stworzył specyficzny rodzaj horroru, w którym grozę sieją opętane wagony, opuszczone stacje kolejowe, błędne pociągi, a... |
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21.17zł |
George Griffiths has written many science fiction novels. Each is unique in itself. The Romance of Golden Star is one of those. At the heart of the plot is a story about researchers who go in search of a Lost Inca tribe in Peru. |
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21.17zł |
In the epicenter of events, the main character and his bright faith, as well as the book he wrote. Many of the books in the collection have not been produced for decades, and therefore the writer?s book was not available to the general public. The goal of the publishing program is to facilitate... |
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21.17zł |
Der promovierte Physiker und Mathematiker Kurd Laßwitz gilt als Begründer der deutschsprachigen Science Fiction, veröffentlichte daneben jedoch auch zahlreiche Arbeiten zu physikalischen und vor allem philosophischen Fragen. Der Autor beschreibt Zukunft und Raum, technische Möglichkeiten und deren... |
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21.17zł |
?The Black Opal: A Romance of Thrilling Adventure? was written by Fenton Ash and was first published in 1906. It is a lost race adventure novel set in a medieval kingdom in the Sargasso Sea. Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927)... |
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21.17zł |
Im Jahr 1955 droht das britische Empire zu zerfallen, denn Kanada und Australien wollen einen Zollverbund mit den USA bilden. Letztendlich erklären nach kriegerischen Provokationen die Briten den USA den Krieg. In diesem Moment greift die ?Macht der Drei ein?: Drei Männer (der Deutsche Sylvester... |
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21.17zł |
?The Manderpootz Series? includes the three stories of Stanley G. Weinbaum?s early science fiction trilogy. He is best known for his short story ?A Martian Odyssey? which has been influencing Science Fiction since it was first published in 1934. Weinbaum is considered the first writer to contrive... |
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21.17zł |
?The Poison Belt?, a novella by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is remarkable in that we, with the central characters, are permitted to witness what seems to be a global apocalypse, while enduring only minimal emotional fall out. Professor Challenger urgently summons his fellow explorers (Professor... |
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21.17zł |
In seinem amerikanischen Stahlwerk stellt James William Roddington eine Vielzahl 100 Meter lange Rohre mit einem Innendurchmesser von einem Meter her. Er verkauft seine Fabriken an einen übermächtigen Konkurrenten, aber von seiner Stahlproduktion möchte er sich nicht trennen ? warum? Man munkelt... |
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21.17zł |
Der promovierte Physiker und Mathematiker Kurd Laßwitz gilt als Begründer der deutschsprachigen Science Fiction, veröffentlichte daneben jedoch auch zahlreiche Arbeiten zu physikalischen und vor allem philosophischen Fragen. In dem umfangreichen, 1897 erschienenen Roman ?Auf zwei Planeten?, seinem... |
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21.17zł |
?The Shape of Things to Come? is one of the great classics of science fiction. Originally written in 1929, this masterly work of science fiction has already confirmed H G Wells? status as a remarkable soothsayer, and provides glimpses of what is perhaps yet to come. The book is written as a sort of... |
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21.17zł |
George Griffiths is a lover of classic adventure novels. ?The Outlaws of the Air ? tells the story of the future of air battles and the creation of a utopian colony in the Pacific. Here, as always, there are many unusual things: Utopians, Anarchists, War Ships of the Air, ultra fast Sea Vessels and... |
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21.17zł |
Lovecraft has proven that he is a master of descriptive writing that creates a sense of mystery, atmosphere, and dismay. On an expedition to Antarctica, Professor William Dyer and his colleagues discover the remains of ancient half-vegetable, half-animal life-forms. The extremely early date in the... |
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Kautschuk ist ein Science-Fiction-Thriller von Hans Dominik aus dem Jahre 1930. Die Butadien-Kohlenwasserstoffe haben sich doch als glänzende Ausgangsbasen für synthetischen Kautschuk erwiesen. Synthetisch hergestellter Kautschuk würde den Weltrohstoffmarkt revolutionieren und dazu noch ein... |
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21.17zł |
Ostatnia powieść Antoniego Langego. Książka ma charakter antyutopijny, nawiązuje do tradycji, religii i kultury Dalekiego Wschodu. Główny bohater, Jan Podobłoczny, ucieka z Polski i trafia na nieznaną wyspę na Oceanie Indyjskim. Zamieszkuje ją społeczeństwo oddające się braminizmowi. Rozwijają... |
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21.17zł |
One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, ?The War of the Worlds? helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. Thirty-five million miles into space, a species of Martians sets eyes on planet Earth. With their own planet doomed for... |
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As may be imagined from the title, Mr. Fenton Ash?s book does not lack for marvelous adventure. ?A Son of the Stars? novel is a complete rewrite of Fenton Ash?s earlier novel ?A Trip to Mars. An exciting science fiction adventure, in which two heroes journey on a trip to Mars, where they have... |
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An exciting science fiction adventure, in which two Edwardian schoolboys Gerald Wilton and Jack Lawford journey on a trip to Mars, where they have various adventures and help to suppress a revolt. The story opens in the Southern Seas with the fall of what is at first taken for an immense meteorite,... |
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21.17zł |
George Griffiths probably touched the most difficult topic ? war. Insidious continental powers invaded Britain with the help of the technological genius of the cunning Irishman. The world is engulfed in war. A giant comet is on its way to Earth to destroy it. |
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As we continue to follow adventures of „Jan of the Jungle” written by Otis Adelbert Kline, we find him engaged to his fiancée Ramona and reunited with his parents. Together with some friends, they start a cruise on the Indian Ocean. However, the happy days don’t last long for Jan as he gets thrown... |
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„The Outlaws of Mars” introduces you to Captain Jerry Morgan and his travel to Mars in the early 20th century. When Jerry, expert swordsman, left the American Army, his scientist uncle, Dr. Richard Morgan, had no difficulty in persuading the adventurous young man to take a trip to Raliad, largest... |
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A missile is fired from earth to hit the surface of the moon. It is successful and the missilemen are heroes, until... THE MOON FIRES BACK! Terrible lunar missiles blast New York, London, and Paris. And an ultimatum is delivered from the unsuspected civilization of our satellite: ?You have attacked... |
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The final, and certainly climactic, adventure of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?s Professor George Edward Challenger is 1928?s ?When the World Screamed?. It is another Professor Challenger story where a new craziness pressures him to make the earth feel the existence of human being on its surface.... |
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Der Autor beschreibt Zukunft und Raum, technische Möglichkeiten und deren Auswirkungen, Katastrophen der spezifischen Wissenschaftsglauben und innere Kraft des Menschen, die bei der Überlebung eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. In seinen ?Zukunftserzählungen? wird jedoch trotz allen technischen... |
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21.17zł |
Lebensstrahlen ist ein Science-Fiction-Roman von Hans Dominik aus dem Jahre 1938. Dieser Roman handelt es sich um einen spannenden Wissenschaftskrimi, in dem es um Spionage, Ideenklau und die Vermarktung profitabel erscheinender Geschäftsideen geht. In einer gut abgesicherten Burg arbeitet Dr.... |
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Rachel Vinrace sets out on a voyage from the confines of her home in England, where she is raised by her spinster aunts, to the exotic coast of South America in the early twentieth century. But more than just the physical journey from one shore to another, „The Voyage Out” is a story of the... |
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29.67zł |
Wells?s treatise on education is set in the region of Camford (Cambridge/Oxford), and tells of a visitor who proves that education can save the world from destruction. The story centres around a Utopian ?ventriloquist? who subjects human life and in particular its treatment by the University of... |
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12.67zł |
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