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eBook Public Health. The Social and Ecological Dimension pdf
Public Health. The Social and Ecological Dimension
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eBook Public Health. The Social and Ecological Dimension pdf

Autor: Jacek Czepiel
Ocena: 0.0 (Brak ocen)
Ilość stron: 966
Rodzaj pliku: PDF
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In Poland, for almost three decades, education in the field of public health has been provided in medical universities with the aim of creating an expert workforce to ensure appropriate action in this area. The book draws on the experience and knowledge of teachers associated with the School of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University – undoubtedly a leading institution in the country in this area – but experts from other centres also were invited in order to provide content of an appropriately high quality. (...) The textbook on public health, edited by professor Stanisława Golinowska, is highly recommended not only to medical university students, but also to all persons involved in health protection activities in Poland. For all interested in public health, this is must-read. Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, MD, Medical University of Warsaw This textbook perfectly addresses the health challenges of the contemporary stage of civilization development in which public health is becoming an extremely complex and at the same time, dynamically evolving field. The scope of the textbook is clearly defined and its division into chapters and within them, into sections dedicated to specific issues, facilitates the search for the required content. The textbook also provides a wholesome understanding of public health, which covers the theoretical foundations, an overview of problems and challenges, as well as a description of the tools used both in research and in public policy at multiple levels: global, European, national and local. Prof. Andrzej M. Fal, Wrocław Medical University, President of the Polish Society of Public Health
Szczegóły ebooka Public Health. The Social and Ecological Dimension
  • Autor: Jacek Czepiel
  • Rodzaj pliku: pdf
  • Licencja: znak wodny
  • Rok wydania: 2024
  • Ilość stron: 966
  • Stan: plik elektroniczny, do pobrania po opłaceniu
  • Model: @9788367450652_33
  • Język: polski
  • ISBN: 9788367450652
  • ISBN wersji papierowej: 9788367450652
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