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eBook Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives pdf
Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives
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eBook Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives pdf

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Ilość stron: 202
Wydawca: Impuls
Rodzaj pliku: PDF
Opis ebooka Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives


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The issue of health constitutes a crucial element of reflections over both human condition and contemporary world. It significantly embraces the axiological spheres of meanings, with regard to which the individual does not only carry out the process of self identity, but also determines life priorities which accomplishment requires social engagement. In consequence, the category of health manifest itself in various spheres- subjective, social, cultural, civic, economic or last but not least – educational. Hence, the reflections tackling this topic become an interdisciplinary discourse, since exercised in the filed of medicine, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, education as well as economy, political science and even technical disciplines.

It should be also emphasized that in the context of findings established within World Health Declaration and action strategies in the European Region of WHO “Health for everyone in 21st century”, health is perceived as individual value but also as a form of a capital crucially influencing the development dynamics of entire societies. Therefore, in this perspective reaching optimal health condition becomes one of inalienable, individual rights, with the responsibility for individual and social health as one of civic duties, embracing as well the sphere of governmental policies.

Taking the above into consideration, it is impossible not to appreciate the role played by health education, directed at shaping pro-health attitudes, enabling the establishment of social capital of health. Hence, such pedagogical discourse placing health in heart of its attention shall be considered important in the context of priorities of contemporary world.

Presenting the joint publication “Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives ” we nurture hope that due to perspectives presented it will become a part of the reflections tackling the issue of health and particularly:

? health in postmodern society,

? educational contexts of health,

? health education in its practical dimension.

Thanks to stands taken by researchers from Poland and Czech Republic it became possible to create discursive examination of:

? health as a value in postmodern society and contemporary culture;

? threats to health in prospective approach;

? education and its role in health promotion;

? quality management in health promotion;

? multidisciplinary - historical, social, cultural and subjective determinants of health education in school environment;

? educational innovations targeting at the health of young generation.

The issue of health, within the above-mentioned range, is considered by us as extremely practical for all those that place in the centre of research interest the humanistic examination of health, health education and health promotion in various kinds of environments. Therefore, we highly recommend it particularly to pedagogists, teachers, therapists and students of such subjects as pedagogy, education, public health or medicine.

Alicja Szerląg

Szczegóły ebooka Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives
  • Tytuł: Health in pedagogical discourses and school practices. Selected perspectives
  • Autor: Alicja Szerląg
  • Wydawnictwo Impuls
  • Rodzaj pliku: pdf
  • Licencja: znak wodny
  • Rok wydania: 2010
  • Ilość stron: 202
  • Stan: plik elektroniczny, do pobrania po opłaceniu
  • Model: @9788375874181_33
  • Język: angielski
  • Nr wydania: 1
  • ISBN: 9788375874181
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