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eBook In the Days of the Comet mobi epub
In the Days of the Comet
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eBook In the Days of the Comet mobi epub

Ocena: 0.0 (Brak ocen)
Ilość stron: 268
Wydawca: KtoCzyta.pl
Rodzaj pliku: MOBI / EPUB
Opis ebooka In the Days of the Comet


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?In the Days of the Comet? is set in early 20th century England and covers Willie, a socialist who is angry and frustrated with everything to do with the world he lives in. The only thing Willie finds beautiful and tranquil is the love of his life, Nettie. The story follows Willie and his lust for Nettie as he finds himself perplexed by what the love of his life decides to do. The comet is referred back to quite often and eventually, when it hits, it brings some sort of cleansing gas with it, ridding the world of hatred and jealousy. People can finally ?see? the world for what beauty it really is. A fantastic tale of the world?s beauty and unity after the Great Change occurs. The novel is divided into three parts: Book I: The Comet; Book II: The Green Vapours; and Book III: The New World and each are distinctive in style, tone and mood.

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